Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Proverbs 25:26... The Importance of Spiritual Hygiene

26 Like a muddied spring or a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked.

There is nothing that annoys me more than dust! 

Sin is a Bit Like Dust...
I spend all day cleaning my house and the next day (if the light hits the furniture correctly), what do I see?   Dust!  Dust is like sin… It never stops seeping into my house (See Genesis 4:7).  While we can live with dust, the one thing we cannot tolerate is unconfessed sin. 

Proverbs 25:26 warns us about the impact of sin.  It reminds us that sin is a pollutant that threatens to retard, limit or destroy our spiritual growth. 

Sin's Like Yeast...
Jesus compared sin to yeast in bread (See Matthew 16:5-12).  Yeast is the ingredient that causes bread to rise.  Dough without yeast produces flat crackers.  Jesus’ metaphor was meant to convey a point worth remembering… Just as it only takes a small amount of yeast to impact a whole batch of dough, it only takes a small amount of sin to negatively alter the progression our spiritual lives.

The Impact of Unconfessed Sin 
The affect of sin is tremendous…  Here are a few examples of the way it “muddies our wells."  Sin causes...
  • Moral Apathy (See Hebrews 3:12-13),
  • Decreased Productivity (or Spiritual Effectiveness),
  • Increased Guilt  (See Psalm 32:1-5),
  • And the Most Serious of all… A Broken Fellowship with God (See 1 John 1:5-7). 

The Bad News about Sin...

The Good News is…
God tells us the way to handle sin in our lives!  The answer is to have great "Spiritual Hygiene."  Here are the basic steps to ensuring that unconfessed sin does not accumulate in your life...
  • Make Confession Part of You Daily and Ongoing Spiritual Routine… When Jesus taught us to pray, confession was an important part of the model (See 1 John 1:9 and Matthew 6:5-15)

I Will Exercise My Right to God’s Forgiveness!


  1. Praise the LORD!!! This is a full course gourmet meal. No snack or empty calories.
    Thank you for the word. I will feast upon it again and again.
