Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Proverbs 24:10... Critical Moments

10 If you falter in times of trouble,
       how small is your strength!

Almost every basketball player dreams of taking the winning shot with seconds remaining on the clock.  Almost every football player fantasized about catching the “Hail Mary” pass just before the game ends to clinch a victory for his team.  Almost every person imagines themselves making the right decisions at the right moments to deliver incredible results.

Critical Choices During Critical Moments 
Proverb 24:10 illuminates the importance of making wise, correct and productive choices during “Critical Moments.” 

God Cancels Pity Parties and Issues Challenges 
If you find yourself closer to your goal than you have ever been, yet feeling so far from it.  If you find yourself thinking…
“I don’t want to quit now… But I am so tired.
I want to go on... But I am so wounded.
I have invested so much… But my resources are not what they were when I first set out to overcome this challenge…”
Imagine God lifting up your weary head, looking into your tear swollen eyes, and saying with the resolve of one that has trained you and sees His power in you (see John 15:5),
If you falter in times of trouble, 
       how small is your strength!” 

If these words don’t feel like a comforting caress on the back, it’s because they are not meant to be… These words are meant to serve as a spark that ignites the blaze of courage and strength that God has placed in you (See 2 Timothy 1:7).  
These words are meant to set into motion God’s “Plan B” that He’s hidden in “Plan A.”  
These words are meant to remind you, “I have specifically selected you (fill in your name) for this critical moment to fulfill my critical purpose.   I have given you everything you need to overcome every obstacle, to get up from every fall and to secure the victory.  Now do it!” (See Philippians 4:19, Philippians 4:13)

Things to Remember about Critical Moments
A few things to remember about critical moments…
  • Critical moments are opportunities that God uses to display his power through you. (See 1 Samuel 17:20-26)
  • Critical moments generally occur during inopportune times.  (See Matthew 14:22-30)
  • Critical moments appear and disappear quickly but to handle them most productively requires advanced, consistent and disciplined preparation.  (See Matthew 25:1-13)
  • Critical moments require God’s power and courage.  (See Judges 3:10Judges 15:14; Judges 11:29-33) the Spirit of the Lord came.)

Two of the Most Critical Moments
The two most critical moments we ever face are…
Hint: Saying YES to Both is the Correct Answer J

I Will Use My “Critical Moments” to Create a Testimony of God’s Love, Power, Mercy and Goodness!


  1. Critical choices in critical times, My what a word! Today we are faced with a critical decisions daily, hourly, and every minute of our life. The blessing is that JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR stands with us and supports in the right choices.

  2. That's when God finds out what your really made of is when your going through things because then is where your faith is tested. Do you crumble or do you stand on the promises of God? I watched the Passion Of Christ again because nothing compares to what Jesus went through for us !!!!!!
